
18/08/2012 – WCA & COTA-DL pedition DK0GYB from Castle Roseburg!
– Helmut DM2BPG and Erich DL2HUC will be active on the 18th of August 2012 from Castle Roseburg, WCA: DL-02137, COTA-DL: SAB-006. They plan to work as DK0GYB (special DOK: 800ANHALT) from 07:00 till 14:00 UTC. QSL via DARC bureau. 73 & 11! [tnx info DL4NTC].

17/08/2012 – WCA & DMHP pedition CR5WFF from Farol ba Berlenga!
– Luis CT1EJB and Armando CT2JYX will be active on the 17th and 20th of August 2012 from Farol da Berlenga, WCA: CT-01001, DMHP: LR-086 located in Berlenga Island, IOTA: EU-040. They plan to work on all bands SSB/RTTY/BPSK as CR5WFF. QSL via CT1EJB. 73 & 11! [tnx info CT2JYX].
QSL via bureau. Log will be uploaded to WCA E-Log.

73 &amp de Andrew RN1CW
WCA Co-ordinator (World Castles Award)
RZ1CWC team
RLA – Russian Lakes Award