

Bruce Horn, WA7BNM

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MI QRP Memorial Day CW Sprint 2300Z, May 27 to 0300Z, May 28
+ NCCC Sprint Ladder 0230Z-0300Z, May 31
June 2013
+ 10-10 Int. Open Season PSK Contest 0000Z, Jun 1 to 2400Z, Jun 2
+ DigiFest 0400Z-1200Z, Jun 1 and
2000Z, Jun 1 to 0400Z, Jun 2 and
1200Z-2000Z, Jun 2
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint 0600Z-0629Z, Jun 1 and
0630Z-0659Z, Jun 1 and
0700Z-0729Z, Jun 1 and
0730Z-0800Z, Jun 1
+ SEANET Contest 1200Z, Jun 1 to 1200Z, Jun 2
+ Maritimes QSO Party 1200Z-2400Z, Jun 1
+ UKSMG Summer Contest 1300Z, Jun 1 to 1300Z, Jun 2
+ RSGB National Field Day 1500Z, Jun 1 to 1500Z, Jun 2
+ IARU Region 1 Field Day, CW 1500Z, Jun 1 to 1459Z, Jun 2
+ Alabama QSO Party 1600Z, Jun 1 to 0400Z, Jun 2