
WCAHello All

  • 26/10/2013- WCA & BCA pedition of ON5BWE/P to Ordingen Castle!
  • Susanne ON2SL, Roger ON4AHQ, Andre ON4DTO and Erwin ON5BWE will be active on the 26th of October 2013 from Ordingen Castle, WCA: ON-01134,

BCA: LB-103. They plan to work as ON5BWE/P from 06:00 in local time on 80, 40 meters only SSB. QSL via ON5BWE, bureau or direct. 73 & 11! [tnx info ON5BWE].

  • 20/10/2013- WCA & BCA pedition of ON7IVO/P to V12 Bunkery Castle!

– Ivo ON7IVO will be active on the 20th of October 2013 from V12 Bunkery Castle, WCA: ON-01932, BCA: AN-208. He plans to work as ON7IVO/P from

10:00 in local time on 40 meter SSB. QSL via Home Call, bureau or direct. 73 & 11! [tnx info ON7IVO].

  • 13/10/2013- WCA & S5-WCA pedition of S51RU/P to Triebenegg Castle!

– Marjan S51RU will be active on the 13 th of October 2013 from Triebenegg Castle – Slovenske Konjice, WCA/S5-WCA: S5- 00 117 . He plans to work as S51RU/P from 07:00 till 10:00 UTC on 40, 30 and 20 meters CW/SSB. Log will be uploaded into the WCA database. QSL via bureau. 73 & 11! [tnx info S51RU].*

73 & 11! de Andrew RN1CW

WCA Co-ordinator (World Castles Award) ICI


RLA – Russian Lakes Award ICI