
FFFHi dear Flora & Fauna Fans,

Thomas HB9DRM announced me he will be on the air from a French Park for the FFF and WWFF Awards.

Meteo allowing it, this will be the Expedition plan :

  •  Date : Thursday April 9th, 2014
  • Time : From 07:30 UTC to about 10:30 UTC
  • Bands: 40m, 20m
  • Mode: Phone SSB
  • Call: F/HB9DRM/p Thomas
  • Reference: FFF-193,Réserve Naturelle des Marais de Mullembourg

Department: DPT 85

  • QSL info : All QSOs will be automatically confirmed via eQSL (authentication guaranteed).
  • For all contacts not explicitly stating “direct” on ICI
  • physical QSL card via

I wish you’ll meet him on the air, and wish you to have fun with ham radio and new references hunting.

73 es 44 de Augusto HB9TZA

WWFF and HBFF Team

Please , apply the DX Code of Conduct, tnx!