
wca27/09/2014 – WCA pedition of LZ2OQV/P to Vrana Palace!
– Georgi LZ2OQV/1 will be active on the 27th or 28th of September 2014 from Vrana Palace, WCA : LZ-00026. He plans to work as LZ2OQV/P on 20 meters and possible on 10 meters on QRP equipment. QSL via Home Call, bureau or direct. 73 & 11! [tnx info LZ2OQV].

27/09/2014 – WCA Pedition of YT2KID/P to Emperor Lazar Krusevac!
– Dragan YT2KID will be active on the 27th of September 2014 from Emperor Lazar Krusevac , WCA: YU-000008. He plans to work as YT2KID/P on 40 (7.151), 20 (14.251) and 17 (18.130) meters band. QSL via Home Call, bureau or direct. 73 & 11! [tnx info YT2KID].

73 & 11! de Andrew RN1CW
WCA coordinator & award manager
Envoyé par : Andrew RN1CW <>