

C.C.A.E European Collins Collector Association – Association Européenne des Collectionneurs de Matériels Collins


Welcome to

Jean-Marie – F8CHM – CCAE# 252
Gianfranco – I2SG – CCAE# 253

Thanks to come with us, sharing our passion for those wonderful rigs said vintage… but so perfectly working.
You are welcome on our net :
Saturday morning around 7.165 Mhz at 11:00 AM Paris local time.
( TM5CR or TM0CR net Control )

Thursday around 14.263 MHz at 15:00 PM Paris local time
( TM2CR net control )

Best 73’s and enjoy your old boatanchor rigs.

 » Don’t destroy your old tube rigs…, restore them  »

« Forget the net.
Switch on the set.
Warm it up slow and go.
Light the tubes, bask in the glow.
Surf shortwaves on your old radio… »

Best 73’s and enjoy your old boatanchor rigs.


Follow us also on CCAE-Italy and very soon on CCAE-Spain… managed by Fabio IK0IXI – II0CR – click on picture….


CCAE is also on FaceBook…

Enjoy radio !
Best 73 from the CCAE


Rendez-vous hebdomadaire le samedi matin 11:00 locale sur +- 7.165 MHz
Sked C.C.A.E: Every Saturday around 7.165MHz at 11h00 local time in Paris

Rendez-vous hebdomadaire le jeudi 15:00 locale sur +- 14.263 MHz
Sked C.C.A.E: Every Thursday around 14.263MHz at 15h00 local time in Paris

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Best 73’s