

eptember 2019
6 September
The superheterodyne radio
International Air Ambulance Week 2019
2m Threat: Radio DARC broadcast
Hurricane Dorian: Ham radio important in emergencies
DXCC Most Wanted
GJ, Jersey
The Space Weather Woman
DX News from the ARRL
Radio hams track interfering signals
STEVE returns during Labor Day geomagnetic storm

September 2019
5 September
Tony’s 10m Band Report
Foundation Licence course on the London/Essex border
Hurricane Dorian: Radio hams help connect with families in Bahamas
Hurricane Dorian: Storm watch continues
Key role of radio hams in natural disasters
2019 Syllabus Foundation in Braintree
IARU attends ITU Inter-Regional Workshop
WSPR explained: How to get started with one-way ham radio
Amateur radio opens the world
EURAO Party – Autumn 2019: claiming for 2m

September 2019
4 September
HRN412 EmComm, Huricanes, and Elmers
IOTA news from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
Route 66 on the Air
Hurricane Dorian: Temporary waiver for ham radio mode Pactor 4
Ham Radio gets embedded RTL-SDR
Radio Amateurs of Canada AGM

3 September
GB100GP active for Jamboree on the Air this October
Radio Romania to end shortwave broadcasts?
Annual maintenance shutdown of the MSF service
2019 37th AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual General Meeting


September 2019
2 September
Ham College 56
IOTA News from OPDX
DXCC Country/Entity Report
QSO Today – Eric Sears – ZL2BMI
ATU finalises its positions for WRC-19
WRC-19 Asia-Pacific preparatory meetings
ICQPodcast – Radio Caroline (GB55RC)
South Orkney Islands DXpedition
Rescue assistance by Malabar Amateur Radio Society (MARS)
ADF4351 new Arduino code
AMSAT SA Dual Band Yagi now available for export

Célébration des 90 ans de la station de radio Baldock

En 1929, la station Radio Baldock a ouvert ses portes pour la première fois.
C’était le début d’un voyage de neuf décennies (et de comptage) qui le ferait évoluer d’une station de réception radio au domicile du travail de l’Ofcom sur la gestion des ondes.
La station de radio Baldock a commencé à fonctionner en 1929. Elle a été créée dans le cadre de la chaîne impériale sans fil, un réseau de communication international qui relie les pays de l’Empire britannique. La même année, il a contribué à compléter le premier appel radiotéléphonique transatlantique, effectué au Royaume-Uni depuis Rocky Point, New Jersey, États-Unis.
Il a été utilisé comme station de réception jusqu’en 1938, année de l’ouverture de la station de contrôle de fréquence Baldock au même endroit. La nouvelle station de contrôle de la fréquence a joué un rôle essentiel en préservant le spectre radioélectrique des interférences, qui demeurent une fonction clé de la station.
Lire l’histoire complète ICI 

August 2019
31 August
CEPT CPG decides position on 144, 50 and 1240-1300 MHz
Foundations of Amateur Radio
RSGB release Mock Exam papers
160th anniversary of the Carrington Event
Propagation de K7RA
VK6WIA NewsWest
Packet Radio (Post Apocalyptic Internet?) – Computerphile
Celebrating 90 years of Baldock Radio Station
Chance of Aurora Saturday evening

August 2019
30 August
Telford Hamfest at new venue
Eddie De Young, AE7AA, named CQ Awards Editor
RSGB release Board Proceedings for June
Amateur Radio Alliance Web
DX News from the ARRL
New ham radio youth group in Spain
VDSL: PTA imposes restrictions on Radio Amateur
Geomagnetic storm warning

August 2019
29 August
Tony’s 10m Band Report
2.3 GHz considered for railway mobile communications system
FCC petitioned to open up 45 to 50 MHz for DRM+ broadcasts in the USA
EMC-Filter for LED
The Dwingeloo Story
ARRL HF Band Planning Committee reactivated
Zanzibar Island IOTA activation
Somalia DXpedition


August 2019
28 August
Why are sunsets turning purple?
Ham radio in Stranger Things 3
SARL/ICASA liaison committee meeting
Second call for AMSAT 2019 Symposium papers
IOTA news from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
Anniversary of Malaysia
EURAO Special Newsletter on 2m threat


August 2019
27 August
A Tale Of Two Hams
Emirates Amateur radio society to link Emirati Astronaut to Space Centre
NCDXF issues grants to two upcoming DXpeditions
Germany hits back against French 144 MHz Aeronautical plans
WW0WWV Special Event
Dorian: Ham radio Hurricane Watch Net set to activate
RAC office phone outage
Tristan da Cuhna Emergency Fund Appeal

August 2019
26 August
ICQPodcast – Howard Michel ARRL Report Summer 2019
DXCC Country/Entity Report
Werneth Low Wireless Station
Talks by radio amateurs at UKHAS London Sept 7
GB3EY on air
QSO Today – Gordon West – WB6NOA
WIA seeking Editors
Automated contacts now prohibited
Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration

August 2019
Sunday 25 August
VK6WIA NewsWest
Where can I go for Field Day?
Propagation Report from Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP
144-146 MHz WebSDR at Goonhilly now available
SARL HF CW Contest this afternoon
Aurora season begins, and a storm is coming
Joint response to ACMA amateur radio licence consultation
AMSAT-LU testing WSPR and APRS buoy and balloons

August 2019
24 August
EURAO Newsletter September 2019
Ham radio kept communication alive at Kavalappara
Foundations of Amateur Radio
Propagation de K7RA
New French CEPT paper still wants 144-146 MHz for Aeronautical
Ham radio station active at Chaos Communication Camp
Radio hams team-up with the military

August 2019
23 August
The Italian Job (loss)
Special commemorative callsign EI100YXQ
NASA TV to air US cargo ship departure from space station
The Space Weather Woman
DX News from the ARRL
SAQ receives 438 listener reports