


European Radio Amateurs’ Organization

open to the world wide amateur radio community


Amateur Radio News…

arbol navidad Happy New Year !!!

From European Radio Amateurs’ Organization to all our members and fans: our best wishes for 2013.

CISAR 2013: Appointment in HF new

7177 and 3677 KHz LSB will be the frequencies where members of Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche will meet on Sunday morning and also an evening in the week from this January. This is the beginning of their future HF activities, like a next Contest. Pay attention to its web.

National EA SSB Contest 2013 nuevo

EA7RCS Radio Club Sevilla, EA7RCS, has everything ready for this traditional annual event. The 34th edition will be hold on 12-13 January. This is a contest very suitable for beginners. Write it down in your agenda and read the rules.

VRA TV program new

VRA On 13 January, at 09:00 UTC, Vlaamse RadioAmateurs, ON4VRA, will be on air in its regular streaming TV program of even Sundays.

In this occassion, ON7GZ and ON7CI will be the drivers. You can also hear this program on FM 144.775 MHz and 438.650 MHz repeater ON0VRT (JO20CS).

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