
chateaux-02Hello All!

04/10/2013 – WCA & ZWP peditions of SP/ES2TT to Castles in Poland!
– Eddie ES2TT, from the 4th till the 6th of October in Malbork region will take place regular meeting of Polish castles activators (Zjazd  Kasztelanski). On the 4th and 5th of October will be activated some castles in Malbork region.
From the 6th till 10th of October, Eddie ES2TT with group of Polish  activators going to work from following castles: Paslek (WCA: SP-000549,

  • ZWP: JEL02), Orneta (WCA: SP-00569, ZWP: JLJ02), Lidzbark (WCA:
  • SP-00568, ZWP: JLJ01), Bisztynek (WCA: SP-01397+SP-01398, ZWP:
  • JBT02+JBT03), Reszel (WCA: SP-00556, ZWP: JEZ06), Mragowo (WCA:
  • SP-00570, ZWP: JMR01), Ryn (WCA: SP-00560, ZWP: JGK02), Gizycko (WCA:
  • SP-00559, ZWP: JGK01), Ketrzyn I (WCA: SP-00055, ZWP: JEZ05), Ketrzyn

(WCA: SP-01307, ZWP: JEZ09).
Eddie SP/ES2TT also try to activate Fort Boyan (TFJ01 for “Twierdze i  Forty w Polsce” Award). Bands: mainly 40 and 20 meters. Mode: mainly SSB
(may be CW and PSK). Equipment: tranciever Kenwood TS-480sat, 9 Band
Mobile Antenna, gasoline generator. QSL via Home Call. 73 & 11! [tnx  info ES2TT].

11/09/2013 – WCA & ZWP pedition of SP2SGN/P to Castles Wiecbork and  Runowo Krajenskie!
– Pawel SP2SGN and Wojtek SP2-0610-BY will be active from the 11th till  13th of September 2013 from Castle Wiecbork, WCA: SP-00921, ZWP: PSJ02  and from Castle Runowo Krajenskie, WCA: SP-00922, ZWP: PSJ03 located in  Landscape Krajenski, WWFF: SPFF-053. they plan to work as SP2SGN/P on 20  and 40 meters only SSB. QSL via Home Call. 73 & 11! [tnx info OK5NN].

06/09/2013 – WCA & S5-WCA pedition of S51RU/P to Plankeinstein Castle!
– Marjan S51RU will be active on the 6 th of September 2013 from  Plankenstein Castle – Zbelovo/Slov. Konjice , WCA/S5-WCA: S5- 00133 . He  plans to work as S51RU/P from 14 :00 till 17 :00 UTC on 40, 30 and 20  meters CW/SSB. Log will be uploaded into the WCA database. QSL via
bureau. 73 & 11! [tnx info S51RU].

73 & 11! de Andrew RN1CW
WCA Co-ordinator (World Castles Award)
RZ1CWC team
RLA – Russian Lakes Award