
We are pleased to announce our next  WFF expedition with our HBFF Swiss Parks Team special Callsign :**

  • Date:               Monday, Sept. 3rd, 2012 (WX allowing it …)**
  • Reference:    HBFF-048   Stagno Campagna, Seseglio
  • Locator:         JN45mt **
  • Call:                 HB9WFF/p**
  • Time:               From 07:00 utc **
  • Bands:            starts on 40m, then up**
  • Modes:           SSB Phone, maybe a second station on CW**
  • Rigs:                80W , on Inv. Vee Dipole antennas**
  • Operators:     HB9EFJ ***Claudio *, HB9FBG *Mauro***

**Remarks: Campagna Seseglio Pond is a protected *Amphibian Spawning Area of national importance in Switzerland.
Our station will be located in a valley bottom and this will limit some direction opening.
Nonetheless, we will try our best to meet you all and give you this score.
We wish we’ll meet on the air, and wish you to have fun with ham radio and HBFF-048 hunting.
Please , apply the DX Code of Conduct, tnx!
73  de HBFF Team**