

Bruce Horn, WA7BNM

Calendrier WA7BNM

December 2013
+ SARL Digital Contest 1300Z-1600Z, Dec 1
+ ARS Spartan Sprint 0200Z-0400Z, Dec 3
+ QRP Fox Hunt 0200Z-0330Z, Dec 4
+ NRAU 10m Activity Contest 1800Z-1900Z, Dec 5 (CW) and
1900Z-2000Z, Dec 5 (SSB) and
2000Z-2100Z, Dec 5 (FM) and
2100Z-2200Z, Dec 5 (Dig)
+ QRP Fox Hunt 0200Z-0330Z, Dec 6
+ NCCC Sprint 0230Z-0300Z, Dec 6
+ ARRL 160-Meter Contest 2200Z, Dec 6 to 1600Z, Dec 8
+ TARA RTTY Melee 0000Z-2400Z, Dec 7
+ Wake-Up! QRP Sprint 0600Z-0629Z, Dec 7 and
0630Z-0659Z, Dec 7 and
0700Z-0729Z, Dec 7 and
0730Z-0800Z, Dec 7
+ VU International DX Contest 1200Z, Dec 7 to 1200Z, Dec 8
+ SKCC Weekend Sprintathon 1200Z, Dec 7 to 2400Z, Dec 8
+ TOPS Activity Contest 1600Z, Dec 7 to 1559Z, Dec 8
+ EPC Ukraine DX Contest 2000Z, Dec 7 to 1959Z, Dec 8
+ AWA Bruce Kelley Memorial CW Contest 2300Z, Dec 7 to 2300Z, Dec 8 and