

Association Européenne des Collectionneurs de Matériel Collins

European Collins Collector Association


Bienvenue à  Miguel Hernandez EA8IT de Ténérife, Iles des Canaries
e membre de notre association.

Amateur et Collectionneur de Matériel Collins


Welcome  to  Miguel Hernandez EA8IT from Tenerife, Canary Islands
   new member 160th of our European Collins Collectors Association


Dear OM,
I am a old collector of Collins equipment since many years. I got following collection , all of them in operation and active:

·32V-1; 32V3; 75A1; 75A2; 75A3; 75A4; KWS-1; S-line ( four Groups 32S1;32S3- 32S3A; 75S3A; 75S3B;312B-5; 312B-4; 302C-3 etc
including matching spk ; mics and console…)
62S-1; 51S-1 ( 3 units) plus HF-380 mil specs !! and General Coverage Receivers; R-388- 389- 390; 651S-1.
I will be very pleased if I can apply to be member of this group. As I said I am very active with all rigs, including AM operation !!!.
Awaiting your replay

Rendez-vous hebdomadaires:

 le samedi matin 11:00 locales sur +- 7.165 mhz  ( TM0CR net control )

le mardi soir à 22h00 locales sur +- 7.165 Mhz

 C.C.A.E Net
Every Saturday around 7.165 Mhz at 11h00 Paris time  ( TM0CR net control )

and Tuesday night 7.165 Mhz around 22h00 Paris time

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 Enjoy QSO with your Collins Radio

 » Vos vieux appareils à tubes…..Ne les mettez pas à la casse : Réparez-les « 

 » Don’t destroy your old tube rigs…, restore them « 

Best 73’s