
31/10/2012 – WCA & COTA-DL pedition DK0GYB from Castle Freckleben!

  • The members of Radio Club DK0GYB will be active on the 31st of October 2012 from Castle Freckleben, WCA: DL-02168, COTA-DL: SAB-037. They plan to work as DK0GYB (special DOK: 800ANHALT) on all bands from 07:00 till 14:00 UTC. QSL via DARC bureau. 73 & 11! [tnx info DL4NTC].
14/10/2012 – WCA pedition LY3IV/P from Birzai Castle!

  • Rolandas LY3IV will be active on the 14th of October 2012 from Birzai Castle, WCA: LY-00002. He plans to work as LY3IV/P on 80, 40 and 20 meters. QSL via Home Call. 73 & 11! [tnx info LY3IV].

14/10/2012 – WCA & COTA-RU pedition RA4FF/3 from Nikolaevskie Gate. Dmitrov!

  •  Vyacheslav RA4FF will be active on the 14th of October 2012 from Nikolaevskie Gate (Dmitrov Kremlin), WCA: UA-00081, COTA-RU: C-318 located in Dmitrov City. He plans to work on 7.140 and 14.140 SSB as RA4FF/3. QSL via Home Call. 73 & 11! [tnx info RA4FF].

14/10/2012 – WCA & COTA-RU pedition RQ1AP/P from Pervyj Severnyj Fort!

  • Serge RQ1AP (ex RU9YT) will be active on the 14th of October 2012 from Pervyj Severnyj Fort, WCA: UA-00195, COTA-RU: F-101 located on Kotlin Island, RRA: RR-01-06, RDA: SP-09. He plans to work as RQ1AP/1 only BPSK (all QSO also valid for ETPA). QSL via Home Call. Log will be uploaded to WCA E-Log. 73 & 11! [tnx info RQ1AP]

73 de Andrew RN1CW
WCA Co-ordinator (World Castles Award)
RZ1CWC team
RLA – Russian Lakes Award
