


January 2013
12 January
Propagation de K7RA
UK’s first astronaut recordings released
Increasing chance of flares
Amateur Radio on BBC Between the Ears – Space Ham

November 2012
Sun 25 November
Propagation Report from Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP
SA Radio Amateurs will have to re-apply for their licenses
N0D special event station celebrating the End of the World
Solomon Islands DXpedition
Special event station TM1TARA

October 2012
Sun 21 October
Propagation Report from Hannes Coetzee, ZS6BZP
SARL takes-up zoning regulations with city of Cape Town
‘Amazing results’ on 10m QRP AM
Pico Amateur Radio Balloons
AMSAT-UK delivers FUNcube-2 boards
Low Altitude Balloon floating towards Sweden
Successful ARISS Contact for CRA Pozohondo, Nava De Abajo, Spain
South Eastern Amateur Radio Group on the road